In The Media
Learn more about DSC International School from our archive of media coverage:
December 2023 – A Desiflava
What makes DSC International School alumni so prepared for the future?
Over 37 years ago, DSC International School (DSC) was founded on the belief that every child is unique and that there is not just one path to success. “Dream! Succeed! Celebrate!” Embodied in their school motto, DSC is dedicated to ensuring every student is equipped with the skills and knowledge for not only post- secondary schools, but to pursue their dreams and face the world as global leaders. From medical doctors to financial bankers, name an industry or profession and you will be sure to find a DSC alumnus.
January 2022 – South China Morning Post
DSC International School in Hong Kong topped fundraising records – three times the intended target – for charity last year. Its secret? Funky hats, wigs and shaved heads.
Sundae cups, clown wigs, a half-metre-long rocket and Hershey’s Kisses were just a few of the get-ups sitting atop pupils’ heads on December 3 as part of activities to raise funds for Operation Santa Claus (OSC) – an annual charity drive co-organised by the South China Morning Post and public broadcaster RTHK since 1988.
November 2021 – The Standard
With a long history of being the first Canadian International School in Hong Kong, Delia School of Canada has announced its 35th Anniversary with a new school name – DSC International School (DSC). The new school name represents the truly international community and global pathways of their students.
October 2021 – Oh!爸媽
國際學校的其中一項優勢,就是培養學生的創新思維。家長為子女選校時,除了課程內容和設備配套,學校的教學經驗同樣重要。擁有35年悠久歷史的「Delia School of Canada」已重新命名為「DSC International School」德思齊加拿大國際學校(下稱「DSC」),同時推行連串的校舍翻新及發展工程。一起看看DSC的新動向,了解其優質的加拿大國際教育!
April 2021 – Oh!爸媽
選讀加拿大課程 鋪路升讀全球頂尖大學 準備升學4大要點
April 2021 – Top Schools
Delia School of Canada: Individualised Education Pathways that Open the Door to Global Success
One of the oldest international schools in Hong Kong, Delia School of Canada (DSC) welcomed its first students in 1986. Since then, it has gone on to become one of the most successful schools in the SAR, with alumni accepted to top universities across the world.
April 2021 – Smart Parents
培養國際學習文化 輕鬆接通全球頂尖學府 一文睇晒加拿大學制的優勢
November 2020 – The Standard
Delia School of Canada (DSC): Quality education with global pathways
From Hong Kong to the top universities worldwide
Delia School of Canada (DSC), founded in 1986, is the first Canadian international private school in Hong Kong registered with the Ontario Ministry of Education, Canada. One of the oldest international schools in Hong Kong, DSC offers students an excellent, transformative Canadian education.
November 2020 – Bastille Post 巴士的報
地利亞加拿大學校委任新校長 提升優質教育 助學生升讀全球頂尖大學
地利亞加拿大學校(DSC)於本學年委任韋禮達博士(Dr. Jason Walter)為新校長,接替剛榮休的前校長。韋禮達博士將秉承學校推動多元文化及全人發展的辦學宗旨,提升優質教育,並持續加強幼稚園至12年級一條龍的教學配套及設施,為學生升讀全球頂尖大學打好根基。
November 2020 – The Standard
Delia School of Canada appoints new Head of School
Delia School of Canada (DSC) has appointed Dr Jason Walter as new Head of School following the retirement of the former Principal, with a commitment to excellence in teaching and learning, developing multicultural mosaic with an international connected student body, and a focus on whole-person development.
October 2020 – Baby Kingdom
計劃升學路 加拿大學制4大優勢你要知!
October 2020 – TOPick
加拿大學制性價比高 有利移民及升讀海外名牌大學