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DSC International School (DSC) supports the recommendations by the International Task Force on Child Protection Expectations, Hong Kong Law as it relates to Child Protection, including the steps outlined in the Hong Kong Social Welfare Department’s ‘Procedural Guide for Handling Child Protection Cases (2015 edition)’, and the Ontario policies ensuring schools have a safe and welcoming school environment. 

DSC International School’s policies align with the responsibilities set out in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).  

The School has developed and adopted an appropriate definition of child abuse including physical, emotional or sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, neglect and commercial exploitation and inappropriate behaviour of children towards other children. School leaders, teachers and social emotional counsellors are members of the Student Support Team and will investigate any cases of abuse or inappropriate behaviour towards children. 

The School has developed detailed recruitment policies and executes rigorous recruitment background checks that ensure all employees and volunteers are of sound moral character and are suitable people to work with children and young adults. 

To provide a safe, caring, and nurturing environment in which we can inspire all to reach for excellence, cultivate character, and empower engagement locally and globally, DSC International School:

  1. Reviews the Safeguarding Policy annually and updates as needed.

  2. Implements effective recruitment practices by ensuring all staff employed directly by DSC have completed all relevant background, reference, and police checks/SCRC.

  3. Ensures staff recruited from Canada have registered with the relevant Teacher Registration Units and that they are in good standing.

  4. Ensures staff recruited directly from Canada have undergone a “Vulnerable Sector Check” and “Criminal Records Check”.

  5. Ensures staff recruited from places outside of Canada and Hong Kong have undergone a recent Criminal Records check, are in good standing with the local teacher registration board, and are in good standing with current and past schools.

  6. Ensures all Service Providers and educational apartments meet the same standards mentioned above for their staff.

  7. Ensures that parent volunteers are aware of their responsibilities to protect children, young people, and adults at all times and have completed a Police Check/SCRC check before working with students. 

  8. Provides ongoing professional development for all staff and parent volunteers on child safeguarding and child protection, as well as how to recognise and report suspected abuse/neglect.

  9. Includes within the formal curriculum, age appropriate teaching and learning related to: bullying; body science, puberty, sexual health and sexual safety; being a responsible digital learner and citizen.

  10. Ensures the School’s web filtering and safeguarding measures are on at all times when students and staff are accessing the internet and internet resources. 

  11. Upholds the code of behaviour as outlined in the Policy Manual, Staff Manual, and Student and Parent Handbooks. 

  12. Ensures all parents are aware of the Parent Code of Conduct.

  13. Ensures the “Student Support Team” convenes to handle any cases involving student safety, well-being, and educational learning needs. 

  14. The School Safety and Security Officer will ensure the Security Team maintains a secure and safe campus for students and staff.  

A Safe and Welcoming School Environment

DSC fully supports the Ontario Ministry of Education mandate that schools should be a place where everyone – children, students, staff, parents and the community – feels welcome, safe and respected. We believe that a safe, inclusive and accepting school environment is essential for student well-being and achievement.