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DSC Summer School

Welcome to DSC Summer School! All the Credit and Non-Credit programs are led by DSC educators and there are both morning and afternoon options. You can also turn it into a full-day program by using our Lunch Supervision and Bus Services

Monthly Courses: July 2 – 26
2-Week Courses: Week 1 & 2 (2/7 – 12/7) | Week 3 & 4 (15/7 – 26/7)
Weekly Courses: Week 5 (29/7 – 2/8) | Week 6 (5/8 – 9/8) | Week 7 (12/8 – 16/8) | Week 8 (19/8 – 23/8) 

Secondary Programs (Credit)

Medical Questionnaire (New student, not enrolled in DSC)

All students will be enrolled in a Summer Academic Program according to their year of birth, and the grade placement reflects the coming school year.

Students taking a credit course must have completed prerequisites. Non-DSC Credit Course applicants must bring their latest transcript and/or report card to the interview to provide proof of prerequisite requirements. There is an ESL Placement Test for Non-DSC students entering the ESL credit courses.